count($setlist)) ) { while ($index <= count($TestCookie)) { setcookie("TestCookie[$index]"); $index++; } } } /* End Set Cookies */ /* Erase Cookie */ if (isset($ClearList) && isset($TestCookie)) { while (list ($name, $value) = each ($TestCookie)) { /* setcookie("TestCookie[$name]"); */ setcookie ("TestCookie[$name]", "", time()-7*24*3600); } } /* End Erase Cookie */ if (!isset($forward) && !isset($back) ) { header ("Location: database.php3"); exit; } } $cid = mysql_connect($host,$usr,$pwd); if (!$cid) { echo("ERROR: " . mysql_error() . "\n"); } /* Build Query String if the user clicked on search */ if (isset($search)) { $query = "select * from inventory where ID > 1 "; if ($song != '' && !isset($exact)) $query = $query . "AND song LIKE '%" . $song . "%' "; else if ($song != '') $query = $query . "AND song LIKE '" . $song . "' "; if ($band != '' && !isset($exact)) $query = $query . "AND band LIKE '%" . $band . "%' "; else if ($band != '') $query = $query . "AND band LIKE '" . $band . "' "; if ($album != '' && !isset($exact)) $query = $query . "AND album LIKE '%" . $album . "%' "; else if ($album != '') $query = $query . "AND album LIKE '" . $album . "' "; if ($category != '') $query = $query . "AND category LIKE '%" . $category . "%' "; $query = $query . "ORDER BY " . $sortby; } /* Show Song list - Retrieve Song information for Cookie values */ else { $query = "select * from inventory where ID = -12345 "; if (isset ($TestCookie) ) { reset($TestCookie); while (list ($name, $value) = each ($TestCookie)) { $query = $query . "OR ID = $value "; } } } /* End of Build Query */ /* print "$query

\n"; */ $retid = mysql_db_query($db, $query, $cid); #if (!$retid) { echo( mysql_error()); } if (!$retid) {$numrows=0;} else {$numrows = mysql_num_rows($retid);} /* Email Results */ if (isset($mail)) { $emailtext = "Song List for $custname <$email> (" . $numrows . " songs)\n\n"; while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($retid)) && $rowcount <= $rowlimit) { $emailtext = $emailtext . "$row[song] $row[band] $row[album]\n"; } if (isset($CC)) $sendto = $sendto . "," . $email; mail($sendto, "Centerstage Productions Song List", $emailtext, "From: $email"); header ("Location: after_inventory.php3"); exit; } /* End of Mail Output Loop */ ?> Los Angeles Wedding DJ, Los Angeles Beach DJ, Orange County Wedding DJ, Karaoke DJ, Corporate Entertainment Specialist, Los Angeles Wedding Entertainment

Los Angeles & Orange County Wedding DJ, Beach Weddings & Karaoke

Home PageHowContact Us About Your Wedding Reception
\n"; print "\n"; if (isset($search)) { print "\n"; } print "\n"; ?>
Top 40 back to Quick Lists
Visit Billboard Online for the latest hit songs
Searchable Music Database
> Exact Match   
Query matched $numrows songs.   \n"; if ($numrows > $rowlimit) { if ($startrow == 0) print "(Showing first $rowlimit songs.)\n"; else { $endrow = $startrow+$rowlimit; $realstartrow = $startrow+1; if ($endrow > $numrows) $endrow=$numrows; print "(Showing songs $realstartrow - $endrow.)\n"; } } if ($numrows <= 10) { print "You are welcome to supply any music we may not have.
If the song/artist is a viable addition to our library, we are happy to purchase a copy.

\n"; } } if (!isset($search)) { if ($numrows == 1) print " 
You have $numrows song in your song list.\n"; else print " 
You have $numrows songs in your song list.\n"; if ($numrows == 0) print "Fill in the fields above to select songs."; } print "

"; if ($numrows >0) print " \n"; if (isset($TestCookie) && !isset($showlist) ) print "    "; print "
\n"; if ($numrows > 0) { print "\n"; /* Forward/Backward Browsing Buttons */ if ($numrows > $rowlimit) { print "\n"; } /* End of Browsing Buttons */ print "\n"; /* Start of Song Output Loop */ $rowcount = 0; if (isset($startrow) && isset($search)) { mysql_data_seek($retid, $startrow); } while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($retid)) && $rowcount <= $rowlimit) { print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print "\n"; $rowcount += 1; } /* End of Song Output Loop */ /* Forward/Backward Browsing Buttons */ if ($numrows > $rowlimit) { print "\n"; } /* End of Browsing Buttons */ print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; if ($startrow > 0) print " \n"; if (($startrow+$rowlimit) < $numrows) print "   \n"; print "
Select Song Artist Album Category
\n"; if ($startrow > 0) print " \n"; if (($startrow+$rowlimit) < $numrows) print "   \n"; print "

"; print "
"; if (isset($search)) print " \n"; if ( isset($search) && isset($TestCookie) && !isset($showlist) ) print "   \n"; if (isset($TestCookie) && !isset($search)) { print "\n"; } print "
"; } /* End of no output loop */ mysql_close ($cid); if (($numrows > 0) && !isset($search) ) { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "
Send Song List to DJ Peace
Your Name:Your E-mail:
\n"; print " Send a copy to your email address
"; } ?> SetList Values:
\n"; reset($setlist); while (list ($name, $value) = each ($setlist)) { echo "$name == $value
\n"; } } print "

\n"; if (isset ($TestCookie)) { print "

Cookie Values:
\n"; reset($TestCookie); while (list ($name, $value) = each ($TestCookie)) { echo "$name == $value
\n"; } } */ ?>

Copyright ©1997-2003 Centerstage Productions All rights reserved